
Snowflake as a Service for our clients who are looking to upgrade to a modern data architecture on cloud service. We provide Snowflake as a fully managed Cloud Data Warehouse that is offered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or Database-as-a-Service (DaaS) to clients.

We enable the Snowflake cloud platform in your organization for fully functional Datawarehouse, analytics, and reporting. At Eagle Eye Tech, our services include launching the Snowflake platform on your network, migrating on-premises Data warehouses to the Snowflake cloud platform, building huge pipelines with Airflow, Analytics and BI on Snowflake, and storage and compute cost optimization, and connecting BI tools to Snowflake for dashboard-building purposes.

We design and develop the Snowflake cloud platform to abstract away database management and optimization so that users can have a highly performant data warehouse from the get-go and with zero management.


Data Migration

we have certified Snowflake developers that handle migration projects from on-premises to the Snowflake cloud platform. Our project managers, outline project timelines and necessary tasks that are needed for a migration project. We have enabled organizations to move data from on-premises data warehouses to snowflake cloud by using our standard migration steps by identifying data sources that are needed to move on Snowflake. Our Data Architecture team redesigns the architecture that fits Snowflake’s architecture and drives the transformation smoothly using the required technologies. Finally, we make rigorous AB testing to identify data quality and make sure we reach our clients’ data validation expectations.

Big Data Pipeline

we have certified Data Engineers that build robust and scalable pipelines by using snowflake connectors and ETL tools.

We use multiple ETL platforms to build and most frequently we use Apache Airflow to build ETL pipelines to transform data from source to destination. Our Data Engineers have accomplished transforming huge structured and unstructured data sets by using Python and PySpark tools within Apache Airflow.

Finally, these pipelines were able to transform the organization’s in-demand data available in Snowflake.


Data Analytics and BI

we have data scientists that resolved business problems and built machine-learning algorithms on Snowflake’s data lake. Our data scientists utilize various tools to build BI dashboards like Tableau, Power BI, etc. that connect to Snowflake datawarehouse and data lakes. Organizations were able to have complete insights into the organization by having all enterprise data under one tool I,e Snowflake. Unlike traditional datawarehouses, Snowflake provided data scientists with complete access to data based on business needs which helped organizations to take strategic decisions and resolve problems quickly.

Cost Optimization

Snowflake developers and administrators are experts in tuning and optimizing storage and compute costs in Snowflake. We have built dashboards within snowflake to track complete credit utilization. We take a strategic approach by eliminating redundant data and tuning the queries of datawarehouses to reduce credit utilization for Snowflake’s services.

We use our pricing model and strong database management experts on reducing the cost spent on Snowflake credits. Our clients take advantage of utilizing our services to enhance and transform their credit utilization and achieve a return on investment.

Eagle Eye Tech maximize the ROI on our client’s Snowflake cloud investments by removing operational costs and reducing overall cost spent.
